BROADCAST Trapped in a Drawing – 2 February 20:26 on NPO 2
The film about cartoonist Ruben Oppenheimer, directed by Carin Goeijers, will be shown on Thursday 2 February at 20:26 on NPO 2.
Political cartoonist Ruben Oppenheimer does not shy away from confrontation. With his engaged drawings he stimulates the public debate. In addition to discussion, it also generates numerous threats, especially via social media. This leads to him even being under police protection for some time. When he posted a drawing of Turkish President Erdogan on Twitter in 2017, the first death threats poured in. Freedom of expression is very dear to Oppenheimer and he is obsessed with his work, but where is the line? At what price is he willing to sacrifice his personal freedom for the sake of his artistic freedom?
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