Children and young people write remarkable poems about their feelings, thoughts and experiences. Now that it is not possible to come together in a theater with a large, enthusiastic group, a short film is a great opportunity to offer the young people a stage. Various directors have made short films in which a young Amsterdammer talks to an adult about his or her poem and about what lies behind the words. Music for the films was composed by the violinist Yannick Hiwat.

Letter to my unborn daughter – Sakina

Directed by Ivan Barbosa

Sakina talks to poet Gershwin Bonevacia about her past and the poem she wrote about it.

You can make happiness – Terje

Directed by Robin Coopers

Presenter Milouska Meulens talks to Terje about his poem and where you can get happiness from.

Feminism — Merith

Directed by Robin Coopers

Writer and actress Nazmiye Oral talks to Merith about his poem and play a game of football.

The girl with the big sweater – Ian

Directed by Eva Sjerps

Actor and presenter Nizar El Manouzi and Ian talk about shame.

The girl with the big sweater – Ian

Directed by Eva Sjerps

Actor and presenter Nizar El Manouzi and Ian talk about shame.

Waiting for Fate – Anouar

Directed by Laura Hermanides

Singer and actress Ellen ten Damme questions Anouar about his vision of fate and a happy life.

The dead street — Abdalkarim

Directed by Sacha Polak

Maud Vanhauwaert, poet and actress, talks to Abdalkarim about his poem about war.

Trots —Christy

Directed by Laura Hermanides

Actor Tarikh Janssen talks to Christy about her poem and learns about his presentation.

I'm going to teach you how to be happy – Sakina

Directed by Ivan Barbosa

Poet Gershwin Bonevacia meets Sakina (15 years old) who wrote a poem inspired by Gershwin's work.

The dangerous look of my father — Soufiane

She likes to snore in dark nights —Armano

Directed by Xander de Boer

Comedian/spoken word artist Jeffrey Spalburg talks to Soufiane and Armano (both 16 years old) about their poetry and their mothers.

What if there was never anything – Hamza

Directed by Meral Usluc

Presenter Dieuwertje Blok talks to Hamza (11 years old) about the emptiness in space.

The forest —Jay

Directed by Ivan Barbosa

Presenter Dieuwertje Blok and Jay talk about his poem in the woods.