But I won't stop
The sooner you can stop working, the better. Documentary makers Pascale Korteweg and Marlyn van Erp are already dreaming of retiring soon. With the economic crisis behind them and the prospect of a meager pension pot, they are initially looking at their 75-year-old fathers, who are both working longer.
When they find even more driven 70+ people who prefer work over the golf course or the camper, they realize that retirement isn't for everyone.
The five 70-somethings (a car mechanic, a businessman, a hairdresser, an artist and a captain) fill their days very differently from their peers. They abhor the idea of having to pass their days with card evenings, golf or bike rides on the moor. These men are headstrong and refuse to retire. But now that the years are counting and the old age is being felt, they wonder how much longer they can continue and their environment in particular wonders whether it is not even time to retire?
While the auto mechanic scratches his head and wonders whether it's time to finally give up, the businessman is already looking for a new position in Paris. If the hairdresser becomes ill, his choice to continue working no longer seems possible. This is in stark contrast to the captain who still goes to the gym almost every day and who can opt for the most beautiful trips at sea and the artist who is passionate about new technology.
Each individually, they show how they combine their work with the aging body, and the possibilities that they still have. Their similarity is visible in the conviction with which they choose a life independent of their age and the prevailing norm.
But Ik Stop Niet takes an unexpected and encouraging look at continuing to work, healthy aging and the future in which work and freedom go hand in hand.